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The programmes for schools are published in the KATIS 2024/2025 professional training catalogue. We have renovated our team and gained new knowledge and experience.
There are a million exercises on the web😊.
Our exercises mean little if they are not introduced directly, through personal experience, correctly and with commitment.

More and more of us know the upright posture.

Would you like to know it yourself? Watch the video and join the programme.

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Pozdravljeni mladi prijatelji, starši in mentorji!

Začeti dan s prijaznim dotikom in nežnimi vajami za mala in velika telesa. To je odlična popotnica, da dan že zjutraj postane prijeten in uspešen. In če vam vaje uspe ponoviti še drugič v dnevu, pa ste za nas, predvsem pa za svoje zdravje, pravi olimpijski zmagovalci. Spodbujamo vas, za pokočno držo in zares dobro počutje. Za vas smo vaje posneli, dodali podnapise, jih oblikovali v pesmico in jih zapisali. Da bodo vsakomur blizu in v veselje.

In če vas še karkoli zanima, smo tukaj za vas.

Well-being and good posture are not the goal. Well-being is a measure, that tells us we are doing the right thing with our body, thoughts and emotions and are therefore in balance.

Expert opinions of professionals




Prof. Dr. Borut Škodlar, psychiatrist and psychotherapist, Head of the Psychotherapy Unit at the University Psychiatric Clinic Ljubljana:

Uprightness Care is an imaginative and thoughtful approach to help all of us who are bending under the weight of too much rushing and stress in a time of high information flows.

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In medicine, especially in the field of psychosomatic disorders, pain management and chronic conditions, both mental and physical, we have long known that the physical and the mental cannot be easily separated. The links are reciprocal, inevitable and very important for therapeutic treatment. Research in the broader field of neuroscience, the study of consciousness and various mental states also points to the embodied and expansive nature of the mind. The mind is therefore not just in the brain, but flows through the whole body and is dependent on many contexts that affect the fragile human equilibrium through social and spiritual processes.

In addition to medical and theoretical knowledge, experiential knowledge is very important to study all these processes and to pass on what we learn to other people through counselling, workshops and seminars. Saša Staparski Dobravec has just that: in addition to medical knowledge, she also has a wealth of experiential knowledge in the fields of modern functional anatomy, movement methods and dance. That is why the programmes she designs are based on this broad knowledge and experience.

The benefit and contribution of uprightness is not only the beneficial effect on physical and mental health itself, but also the establishment of a healthy basis for mental and spiritual growth. I am not referring here only to specific groups of people with a particular interest in these areas, but to all people: from children to the elderly.

The exercise recommended by Dr Staparski Dobravec is at the same time very simple and even enjoyable - which is not true of all exercise, as we know - but it also goes deeper than just physical health and well-being. It allows us to meet and befriend our bodies, to be an ally, to let us know where our limits are and when we have overstepped them.

Borut Škodlar, author of SELF-COOMMITMENT


Ana Terzić

24.10. 2022

I look at my former students, with whom I shared important moments together, and to whom, besides knowledge, I passed on something even more important: social-emotional skills, and forged heart bonds that allowed me to sensitively introduce them to uprightness and to the exercises, which they did happily and with real care.

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Children at this age need to develop additional skills of cooperation, calming down, focusing, listening discriminatingly, following the simplest instructions without being distracted at every step by distractions in the classroom - this is a big challenge, this is a process.

Ana Terzić, Professor of Classroom Education


mag. Tjaša Šubic

24.11. 2019

Awareness means being in touch with what is, either with your feelings, emotions, situation, and your mood ... We usually rush and are not constantly aware of how we feel, what is happening in and around us, we plan ahead and we think backwards. Thus, among other things, we overlook the messages of our body, which constantly inform us about how we feel, the state of our body.


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Messages are also given to us by our posture, our spine, which is one of the foundations of well-being and overall health. Awareness is the basis that helps us to notice what our posture is and further on, awareness helps us to deliberately undertake exercises and perform them correctly.

And what’s important: with awareness, we can clearly feel how beneficial exercises affect both our body and our overall well-being. With awareness, however, we often notice something we don’t like, something we would like to change, many things we don’t really want to see or feel. Here to help is a step forward from awareness, mindfulness.

In addition to awareness, mindfulness includes accepting, not judging, letting go, which gives us the strength and motivation to focus on what is best for us at a given moment. With the help of a mindful approach, in addition to performing the exercises regularly, so that we follow our decision that we want to do something good for our health and overall well-being, we also include self-compassion and acceptance of oneself such as we are in the implementation itself.

TJAŠA ŠUBIC, Master of Medical Science, MD spec. internal medicine, head of mindfulness courses


How to participate?

Health and well-being are the best investment. An investment in future upright generations of people. They will be grateful to you.


Material for participants

Embark on a wonderful journey through exercises for a healthy, upright posture.  

Thank you says little:

About me

»Whichever exercise you choose, it’s important to internalise it. It is not enough to have a performance orientation and to do it correctly physically. It is necessary to have an attitude to our whole uprightness and to observe and regulate our own INNER SPACE (thoughts, feelings, emotions, sensations, energy and body).«

Saša Staparski Dobravec, MD, Specialist in Radiologye

