Dear children, parents and mentors!
Welcome to a wonderful journey through exercises for a healthy, upright posture. Poems, illustrations and short descriptions will help you to easily memorize the exercises and perform them every day. We also recorded them for you:
Guided exercises for children
Stories for children
Exercises in a song for children
You can contact your school’s Upright Posture Program administrator at any time for assistance. They will be helped by a script, prepared based of completed training. View it by clicking the button.
Always upright for an endless smile
Take 10 minutes/2 times a day. Choose the exercise that best addresses you at that moment. Listen to your body as it holds the answer to your every question. Give it back its health and care. This includes caring for upright posture.
At each exercise, give yourself:
Inhale & exhale
Directed movement
TOUCH is always performed with an open palm and soft fingers.
- SLIGHT TOUCH – direct the trainee’s breathing to a certain part of the body and indicate the direction of release of a certain part of the body.
- MODERATE PRESSURE – we offer the trainee resistance, which emphasizes the activation of a particular muscle or muscle group.
- FIRM GRIP – the trainee lets go; the grip is intended to place a part of the body in the correct position.
Enjoy the exercises. We wish you a pleasant journey!
1.The tree
Hands on knees
resting softly,
Slowly out of the body
A strong tree will grow.
Hold them high,
Let them slowly descend.
The body shall stand strong,
Upright under the sky.
Let us repeat.
With a sigh, sit down,
Let your hands touch the sky,
Exhaling, stand up,
Slowly grow strong IS a tree.
Sit, hands up
Stand up, hands down
Sit down, hands up
Stand up, hands down
Inhale, exhale
- razteg torakalne fascije
- podaljšanje lumbalne fascije
- aktivacija mišic pod lopaticami
Impact on awareness and psychophysical well-being
- we grow from strong roots, into a good, calm and neutral attitude
- strengthening our groundedness
- we get off the ground, growth never stops
High against the sky,
Let thoughts soar,
and feet to the ground,
let the roots take root.
We are already climbing into the canopy,
We're hanging on a branch.
We overcome all fears.
On one foot we stand
Left, right, they fight,
To keep the knee to the ground,
But the knee will not give,
It can keep its balance.
When you climb up to the top in fear you are tense,
But there's a reward, a new vista.
But I can do it or not,
That's what's been eating at me all along.
With practice, I conquer fear,
It makes it easier for me.
I'm breathing, I'm still alive.
I fight with myself
And see, I always hold on.
They stand up
On one leg
On the other leg
Stand up
On one leg
On the other leg
- Extension of the thoracic fascia
- Lumbar fascia lengthening
- Activation of the muscles under the shoulder blades, leg muscles and abdominal muscles
Impact on awareness and psychophysical well-being
I look beyond my limitations.
I recognise my inner struggles.
I can do it!
Move forward in your seat,
Look at your toes,
On bent legs
Lay your torso flat, you know.
Inhale. Relax your head there too,
let it rest peacefully now,
Exhale, put away the cares of everyday life.
You drop what's heavy into the ground.
Inhale. Slowly lift your spine,
Light as a bird's wings
On the back of your head straighten up.
Exhale. Ready for the heart to grow.
Leaning on knees
Standing down
Standing down
- Extension of the thoracolumbar fascia
- Posterior lines
Impact on awareness and psychophysical well-being
I put everyday worries, fears, shame, weight, feelings of helplessness, anxiety over my feet and into the depths, where they flow away. With the breath I relax further.
4.Rotation - Twist
Squeeze your knees together,
twist your torso back,
Flexibility gives joy
Hold the position.
Smile like the sun,
turn the other way,
Shake off your worries
Breathe out, release all resentment.
Breathe in. Squeeze your knees together,
Exhale, twist your torso back,
Flexibility gives joy
Hold the position.
Smile like the sun,
Breathe in the other direction,
Shake off your worries and
Exhale, release all resentment.
They turn in their seats.
In the other direction.
Turn again in the first direction.
Laughter at the end.
- Extension of the thoracolumbar fascia in the vertical line
- Extension of the lumbar fascia
- Activation of the muscles under the shoulder blades
- Stretching and activation of the paravertebral muscles
Impact on awareness and psychophysical well-being
Curiosity and connection.
I look back and send a smile to the one I see.
I look forward to being close to a human!
A butterfly's wings are vulnerable to touch,
To land safely, a deflection is needed.
He finds the strength within himself, he opens them again
The desire to fly never dies.
Inhale, then the party follows,
With the butterfly on the move,
Spread your wings now,
Exhale, fly over the page.
A butterfly's wings are vulnerable to touch,
To land safely, it needs a break.
He finds strength within himself, he opens them again.
The desire to fly
Exhale, it never dies.
Inhale, the party follows,
With the butterfly on the move,
Spread your wings now,
Exhale, fly over the page.
They sit.
Elbows apart.
Elbows together.
Elbows apart, leaning sideways.
Tilt to the other side.
Straight, twist down.
... to the other side.
- Sliding of the thoracolumbar fascia
- Activation of almost all abdominal muscles
- and coordination with the back muscles
Impact on awareness and psychophysical well-being
It's time to dream.
With our roots firmly planted in the ground, let us gather the strength to make them a reality!
Your journey,
ends in your embrace,
Only live healthy,
Who loves himself.
Wings are shelter,
They embrace the body,
You bend your head to your heart,
touching the feelings you catch.
They sit. Hands to the side
Sitting, smiling.
They bend down on their knees.
They are down.
They are down.
They straighten up.
- Extension of the thoracic fascia
- Extension of the lumbar fascia
Impact on awareness and psychophysical well-being
Hands soften and embrace me softly.
Now it's time for tenderness.
I smile to myself.
Rad se imam!
Now body light,
like a feather it seems,
Nothing easier than that,
to rise to the sky.
Breathe in.
With hands grasping,
is firm and strong,
the body in balance,
rise, into the air - away from the chair.
Preparation on the chair
Lifting on hands (on chair)
Lift on the chair.
- Activation of the muscles under the shoulder blades
- Abdominal muscle activation
Impact on awareness and psychophysical well-being
Now is the time to be brave!
The body is light, I find my balance and I rise high.
I need courage and knowledge to use the right amount of strength.
Nothing can stop me!
Stand proudly with a sigh,
You know no more shame,
When it appears
You cast it into the earth.
Your body is resilient,
put it back,
from the bridge you look,
reorient yourself.
With a sigh, stand proud,
You know no more shame,
When it appears
You cast it into the earth.
Your body is flexible,
you put it back,
From the bridge you look,
♪ Realign. ♪
Stand up
Chest up.
Sit down.
In the bridge
- Extension of the anterior fascia and contraction of the lumbar fascia.
- Paravertebral muscle activation.
Impact on awareness and psychophysical well-being
A different perspective.
I connect insights and knowledge.
Flexibility gives me joy!
9.To the heart
There is shelter in the canopy,
There feelings nest,
Fold your hands to your heart,
Let them burst safely within.
Breathe in.
Listen to the magic,
Forget your worries,
Take a deep breath of peace,
Close your eyes for a moment.
Hands up.
Hands on chest
Hands in your lap
(3x inhale exhale)
Open eyes.
Complete relaxation and calming of mind, body and spirit.
Impact on awareness and psychophysical well-being
I invite the good to flow in.
I close my eyes, take a deep breath of peace and surrender to the silence.
And I give myself to a new day.